I help high achieving leaders get from where they are to where they want to be. This may involve changing how you approach work, exploring what comes next in your career or clarifying why despite your success, you can’t shake the feeling something’s missing.

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My leadership story starts in my early twenties when I co-founded a business that grew to a multi-million-dollar company. Later, after completing my MBA, I was recruited by a global organization where I became the youngest Vice President at the company, appointed to the top 1% of executives worldwide.

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This worked until my mid- to late- thirties when I began to question the purpose of my leadership. I was being promoted, attaining results, fostering strong relationships, being recognized for my efforts - everything I thought I wanted. By all measures, I was a success. The path ahead was clear - more exposure, expanded responsibility, more money. What everyone wants, right?

Not always. I left.

Not everyone that starts to explore the meaning of their leadership leaves their role. I did, many don't. What does and did happen is a very intentional process of uncovering what I wanted, how I wanted my leadership story to be written, what I believed leadership was about and the impact I wanted to have in my work, at home and in my life in general.

Today, as a certified Neuro-Transformational Coach, I combine my personal experience of figuring it out with my expertise in leadership, coaching and neuroscience, to help successful people get from where they are to where they want to be.


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I help you build on your success by finding new ways to grow your impact, at work and in life.


Join me and a small community of extraordinary leaders, eager to lead with courage and heart. 

team coaching

Develop and unite your team with powerful models from leadership, coaching and neuroscience.

"There comes a moment, often after you've experienced success, when your leadership becomes about impact, meaning and personal legacy. That's where I come in."

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Let's explore, assess and define what comes next for you, your team and your community.


some words from my clients

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Get inspired! Read, watch and learn as we share the latest in leadership, coaching and neuroscience - all designed to grow you, challenge your thinking and move you forward.